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Angular Template Syntax

Angular Template Syntax is a powerful tool that allows developers to render dynamic content in their applications. It encompasses various methods to bind data, handle events, and manipulate the DOM in an Angular application.

Text Interpolation

Text Interpolation is a fundamental aspect of Angular Template Syntax, enabling dynamic values to be embedded into the template. It is typically achieved using double curly braces {{ }} to wrap the expression. A variable like message can be of any data type such as string, number, or boolean. Angular automatically updates the view when this variable changes in the component. Interpolation is also useful for concatenating strings.

<p>{{ message }}</p>
<p>{{ message + ' ' + name }}</p>

The above code demonstrates how variables message and name are displayed and concatenated in the view.

Property Bindings

Property Binding allows setting dynamic values to an HTML element's properties. This is achieved using square brackets [] around the binding expression.

<img [src]="logoUrl" alt="Logo" />
<p [style.color]="color">{{ message }}</p>
<div [class.highlight]="isHighlighted">{{ content }}</div>

Here, logoUrl is bound to the src attribute of an img element, while color and isHighlighted variables dynamically change the style and class of p and div elements respectively.

Event Binding

Event Binding in Angular deals with handling user events like clicks and inputs. Parentheses () are used to wrap the event handler expression.

<button (click)="onClick()">Click Me</button>
<input (input)="onInput($event)">

In these examples, onClick() is executed when the button is clicked, and onInput($event) can access the value of the input elemen.

Two-Way Binding

Two-Way Binding is a combination of property and event binding, represented by [()]. It ensures that the model and the view are updated simultaneously.

<input [(ngModel)]="firstName">

The ngModel directive binds the firstName variable to the input element, allowing for mutual updates.

Control Flows


The *ngIf directive in Angular is a structural directive used for conditionally rendering a template block.

<div *ngIf="condition"> ... </div>

*ngIf evaluates the condition and renders the div element only if the condition is true.

*ngIf with else

Angular allows *ngIf directive to be combined with an else block for more complex conditional rendering.

<div *ngIf="condition; else otherTemplate">
* your content *
<ng-template #otherTemplate>
* your other content *

This structure enables rendering alternate content when the condition is false.


The *ngSwitch directive is used for displaying content based on a switch condition.

<div [ngSwitch]="condition">
<div *ngSwitchCase="value1">* content block value1 *</div>
<div *ngSwitchCase="value2">* content block value2 *</div>
<div *ngSwitchDefault>* default content *</div>

Different content blocks are shown depending on the value of condition.


The *ngFor directive is a way to render a list of items in the template.

<li *ngFor="let item of itemList">
{{ }}

This directive iterates over itemList, creating a list item for each element. Angular also provides local variables like index, count, first, last, even, and odd for additional control.

The Angular Template Syntax, with its versatile directives and binding methods, offers powerful ways to create dynamic and interactive user interfaces.